Ecology Ottawa is looking for a Climate Change Campaign Organizer. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Climate Change Campaign Organizer will provide support for Ecology Ottawa’s outreach campaigns on climate change.
Vous avez déjà entendu l'expression "pensez globalement, agissez localement". Mais qu'est-ce que cela signifie vraiment ?
Si vous vivez dans une ville canadienne, cela signifie que la lutte contre le changement climatique pourrait se dérouler dans votre propre cour. En matière d'action climatique, les villes peuvent et doivent mener la charge.
The National Capital Commission (NCC) recently released its 2020 draft of the Gatineau Park Master Plan. Buried towards the end of the draft plan is a presentation of the advantages and the need for modernizing the park’s legal framework.
This may surprise readers who think Gatineau Park is a “real park” under a federal act. Sadly, Gatineau Park’s boundaries are currently not legislated, and as such lands can be sold, traded without parliamentary approval and houses are still being constructed on the remaining private land within the park. As the draft plan points out, legislation would firm up the park’s conservation mission and its protection, modernize pricing of activities, establish regulations and assign powers of protection.
I agree, we want a throne speech for adults. But we disagree on what being an adult means.
I am part of groups in the Ottawa region called Ottawa Reduces and For Our Kids. Together, these groups count more than 1,600 worried citizens. Over the past two weeks, a lot of conversations has been about getting the government to understand that we want this throne speech to bring systemic changes for a green and just recovery, not just a “modest, doable and reassuring” plan. We don’t have time for reassuring. California is on fire, and so was Australia in the winter. The fumes from California reached our city this week. The Earth is sending us cries of help. We don’t have time for modest.
Que se passe-t-il le dimanche 29 novembre ? Nous marcherons de la ville d'Ottawa à la colline du Parlement !
Nous nous rassemblerons à la ville d'Ottawa à 12h30, où il y aura des discours et des activités. Nous marcherons ensuite de 13h30 à 14h30 vers la Colline du Parlement. Entre 14h30 et 15h, nous nous tiendrons sur la Colline du Parlement avant de nous disperser.